Our Team
Rezwana Patterson
I have been working from visage for years, !!! growing in knowledge and experience.
My amazing body work has evolved to further training in muscular skeletal alignment, working on the alignment of the bones with the muscles, for greater flexiblity and movement.
Rezwana PaI trained in a revolutionary treatment of atlas correction. You can learn more about that Atlas correction treatment here.
I trained in all the levels of Anat Baniel in neuromoverment, a cutting edge science based approach, by accessing the amazing powers of the brain to change itself, remapping the body, enhancing physical, cognitive, creative performance.
I specialise in children with special needs to create more ease & joy in their bodies & minds www.brainbodyconnection.co.uk www.anatbanielmethod.com
Joanna Townend
Certified in 2008 from the prestigious college of Wha Po in Bangkok, Joanna Townend of Innovative Treatments brings a delightful blend of Eastern Ancient healing into the west using a modern day approach including acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy and fire cupping are available as well as bespoke treatments and KORE Therapy.
Sapphira Eponime
Sapphira is Rezwana's daughter. She is a amazing muscular skeletal therapist and holistic therapist in her own right, bringing vitality, love and her own unique gifts to Visage. Sapphira also loves giving holistic facials and is the best eyebrow shaper around.